Donations Policy
As you know, this website has been member funded since its inception.
We receive no commercial endorsements and are 100% Ad free for your
surfing pleasure. In order to continue this service to you, we are asking
for a donation from each member yearly. The funds will be used to
offset our ongoing server costs and promoting fellowship through RV'ing.
If you are not comfortable with sending your donation online,
you may send a check to:
TRVN, Inc.
10 Summer Long Dr.
Old Orchard Beach, ME 04064
Thank You for your support!
Simply click on the Pay Pal icon below! You can use PayPal or your Credit Card
Absolutely No Affiliation exists between this group and Tiffin Motor Homes Inc. or Allegro Club.
This website neither endorses or discourages the use or purchase of a Tiffin product. All references, suggestions, comments,
etc. contained herein are the opinions/experiences of the posters and not those of Tiffin Motor Homes Inc, Allegro Club or the
website administrators.