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Important!!Please Read This First Before RegisteringHello and welcome from Tiffin RV Network. If you own a Tiffin Motorhome, or if you are researching the Tiffin Motorhome brand for a possible future purchase, you have come to the right place. You will find a wealth of knowledge specific to the Tiffin brand as well as many other exciting features. To access all of the information, you need to register for access to our site. Thanks to the donations made from many of our members to help pay the expenses of our site, there is no charge to obtain access. Just complete the registration form by clicking on the link provided. Note: Although this forum is open to all RV owners, 95% of the posts concern Tiffin Motor Home Products. Many parts of all motorhomes are industry standard and apply to most motorhomes so anyone with an interest is welcome! We allow ANYONE to join the TRVN, not just those owning a Tiffin Motor Homes product. This shall include representatives of RV industry products and sales persons of these products as long as they are installed as part of the production process of the RV industry. NO ADVERTISING is allowed by anyone, which includes signature links to websites that have income potential for the member. Before you register for the forum. Please read and make sure you understand the following: We do have a few requirements that must be followed.
Once your registration has been approved, drop in on the New Members Welcome Page topic and introduce yourself. This is not required, but we would like to hear a little bit about you. How do I register? Complete the registration form and you will receive a welcome email letting you know that your forum account has been set up and activated. If you do not receive this email, there is probably a problem with your registration that needs to be corrected. Again, check your email as one of the Admins will contact you to correct this problem. It could be something as simple as you have chosen a username that another member is already using and we will need you to select another username. Just check your email for messages from us after you complete the registration form. Registration forms are usually processed fairly quickly. If you do not hear from us within a day or two, send an email to Rich1950@tiffinrvnetwork.com or admin@tiffinrvnetwork.com or webmaster@tiffinrvnetwork.com. Check your "Spam Blockers" and make sure you allow messages from the TiffinRVNetwork.com access to your inbox. This needs to be done to allow important messages from our administrators, as well as your initial link to establish your login profile. If you do not receive an email notice of acceptance within a couple minutes of registration, check your "junk mail folder", especially if you have Hot Mail, Yahoo or similar web type email. Further, we will not ask permission from your software to deliver an email to you. This is your responsibility. Bounced emails will cause your account to be deleted!!! If you use email clients such as Earthlink or AOL, please set your email filters to allow email from admin@tiffinrvnetwork.com and webmaster@tiffinrvnetwork.com. Earthlink and AOL block emails coming from our site as SPAM Yahoo users Yahoo has a setting that automatically deletes items in your spam folder. Since we are "new" to your email, it will assume we are sending spam. This means your login link WILL NEVER arrive!!!! YOU MUST not delete this email or your registration WILL BE DELETED!!!!!!!! This is a problem for those of you using Yahoo mail! We obviously have no control over the email program you choose to use! If you wish to register, we STRONGLY suggest you check this setting at http://Yahoomail.com PRIOR to registering. We require correct registration information. Failure to fill in ALL required information properly will cause your registration to be denied. We do not allow companies as a registrar. You are registering for access, not your company. These registrations will be denied!! This is done in an effort to try to dissuade spammers and others from gaining access for purposes other than those intended. None of your personal information can be viewed by anyone other than the administrators. We will never divulge any of your information to others for any reason! Once you register, you will receive an email that has your username and password. Right under this info, there is a link that you must click on to activate your account. If this is not done, you will not be able to access the forum. By logging on to our forum you agree to the following User Agreement: While the administrators and moderators of this forum will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every message. Therefore you acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators or webmaster (except for posts by these people) and hence will not be held liable. You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented, political or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your service provider being informed). The IP address of all posts is recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered above being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent the webmaster, administrator and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised. No solicitation of any kind is allowed. This forum system uses cookies to store information on your local computer. These cookies do not contain any of the information you have entered above; they serve only to improve your viewing pleasure. The e-mail address is used for confirming your registration details and password (and for sending new passwords should you forget your current one), to verify that you maintain a valid e-mail address, to send you a message that a topic you are watching has had a reply added, or to send you info concerning happenings with the group. The #1 reason that there is a delay in getting authorization to access the forum is failure to fill out the LOCATION, STATE, and/or CITY info in the field. Failure to do so will cause your account to remain deactivated until an email is sent to you requesting all info required to update and activate your forum account. By logging in on the Tiffin RV Network Website, you agree to be bound by these conditions. As we exist on member donations ONLY, we have no banner ads or pop-ups from any commercial entity anywhere on our website! The forum software will notify you by means of a pop-up window if you have a private message from another member waiting in your inbox. Further, we do not employ "spy ware" of any kind on our website nor will we sell your information to anyone at any time. We require that you login within 30 days of registration for the purpose of setting your membership in the database and one login at least once every six months thereafter. After six months of inactivity, your membership is set to inactive status and after one year, deleted. You will never be required to post on our forum. "Inactivity" is defined as not completing a login for 6 months. Unlike other sites that retain your information indefinitely, we feel it is a breach of your privacy to do so and therefore delete that information after one year of inactivity. Lastly, we are not associated in any way with Tiffin Motor Homes Inc. or The Allegro Club. We are a users website supported ONLY by our membership through donations! If you have any questions, problems or comments, please feel free to a moderator or administrator for assistance! If you have read and understand/agree to the above, please continue to the registration section of our website by clicking on this link - REGISTER HERE Absolutely No Affiliation exists between this group and Tiffin Motor Homes Inc. or Allegro Club. This website neither endorses or discourages the use or purchase of a Tiffin product. All references, suggestions, comments, etc. contained herein are the opinions/experiences of the posters and not those of Tiffin Motor Homes Inc, Allegro Club or the website administrators. |