2007 40QSH Phaeton Modification and FYI Files |
12 volt Controlled Water Heater and Engine Block Circuits
P-001, 120 VAC Electric Water Heater and Engine Block Heater circuits, controlled by a 12 VDC switch
2007 40QSH Phaeton Tank Compartment Floor
P-002, Installation of additional steel bracking under the tank bay floor
2007 40QSH Phaeton Water System In Water Heater By-Pass
P-003, Water System Plumbing Schematic, version 5, system in Water Heater Bypass Position
2007 40QSH Phaeton Water System Plumbing,v4
P-004, Water System Plumbing Schematic, version 4
2007 40QSH Phaeton Water System Winterized
P-005, Water System Plumbing Schematic, version 6, system in Water Heater Bypass Position & Winterized
2007 40QSH Phaeton 12 VDC Light Bulb List
P-006, List of all 12 VDC light Bulbs
2007 40QSH Phaeton Control Panel & Hallway Modifications
P-007, Relocation of various controls from over driver cabinet to the hallway wall
2007 Phaeton Headlight & Tail-light Assemblies
P-008, 2007 Phaeton Headlight & Tail-light Assemblies
2007 40QSH Phaeton Tank Dimensions
P-009, 2007 40 QSH Phaeton Water, Black and Gray Tank Dimensions
2011 Phaeton QTH Water System
P-010, 2011 Phaeton QTH Water System, based on my interpetation of Tiffin Drawing # 204-000116
A Basic Lesson in Electrical Capacity
P-011, Electrical Capacity Lesson with Electrical Capacities for different Shore Power Connections
Additional Tank Bay Supports
P-012, Materials List and Directions on how to add additional tank Bay Steel Supports
Adjusting the Carefree OTD Switches
P-013, Adjusting Carefree OTD (Over the Door) Motor Limit Switches
Air Filter Restriction Indicatior
P-014, How to interpret the Engine Air Filter Indicator
Allison 3000 Transmission Information
P-015, The MBE 926 Engine & Allison 3000 Transmission Limiting Parameters
Attwood Levelegs System
P-016, Attwood Levelegs Jacks, Information Short Cuts
Automatic Generator Start (Xantrex)
P-017, Crusingator's modification to allow AGS (Auto Gen Start) from either AC or HP
Bathroom Drawers Replaced with Real Plywood
P-018, Replacing Tiffin's Particle Board Drawers with Real Plywood
Bed Lift Handle
P-019, Handle installed on foot of bed to enable lifting or lowering the bed.
Bedroom Drawers replaced with Real Plywood
P-020, Tiffin used partical board to build the drawers, partical board replaced with plywood
Best Source for a Kwikee Step Motor
P-021, The Kwickee Step motor is actaully a window lift motor
Brake Switch on a Freightliner RV Chassis
P-022, Installing a Brake Switch on a Freightliner RV chassis
Brake Switch on A Freightliner RV chassis, single stage brake
P-023, Installing a Brake Switch on a Freightliner chassis with a single stage engine brake or an exhaust brake
Brake Switch on A Freightliner RV chassis, two stage brake
P-024, Installing a Brake Switch on a Freightliner chassis with a two stage engine brake or a single stage engine brake and an exhaust brake
Brake Switch on A Powerglide chassis, two stage brake
P-025, Installing Brake Switch on a Powerglide chassis with a two stage compression engine brake
Brake Switch on A Spartan chassis, two stage brake
P-026, Installing Brake Switch on a Spartan chassis with a two stage compression engine brake
Broken Coach Entry Door Handle
P-027, Dealing with a broken entry door handle
Building and Installing under Kitchen Sink Drawers
P-028, List of Materials and installation of drawers under the kitchen sink
Braking Bypass Circuit for Toad
P-029, Building and installing a Toad Braking Bypass Circuit
Bypass Supplemental Braking Circuit (Spartan chassis)
P-030, A circuit designed and built to bypass the supplemtal braking circuit
Carefree of Colorado Patio Awning Repair
P-031, Instructions on how to make a permanent repair to the patio awning when the motor will not retract the awning
"Charging Solenoid" problem
P-032, Method and instructions on how to repair the solenoid and properly re-mount the solenoid for a longer operating life
Controlling the Interior Step Lights and Kwickee Step Light
P-033, Method and instructions on how to wire the interior step well lights and outside Kwikee Step lights to operate at the same time
Electrically controlling the LP gas flow
P-034, Installing an LP electric control solenoid to turn ON or OFF the LP gas flow
Final Charge and Fleet Charge Carriers
P-035, Aotomotive Supply/Parts House Carriers of Final Charge and Fleet Charge Coolants
Flat Towing a 2009 Lincoln MKX
P-036, Instructions on how to set up your 2009 Lincoln MKX for towing
Freightliner's "Water in Fuel" dash indicator
P-037, Instructions on testing and replacing the Freightliner "water in fuel" sensor
Freightliner Ride Height Control valve Adjusting
P-038, Instructions on "How to Adjust the Ride Height Control Valves"
Freightliner Chassis Lube Points, solid front axle
P-039, Lubrication points for a Freightliner chassis with a solid front axle
Getting your Freightliner RV chassis "Ready to be Towed"
P-040, Things for the owner to think about before allowing your Freightliner RV to be towed
How to use the Road Speed versus Engine Speed File
P-041, A Microsift Excel file displaying coach road speed and engine RPMs in the six forward and one reverse transmission gears
SeeLevel 709 Monitoring Station
P-042, Instruction and photos of the SeeLevel 709 installation with two monitoring stations
Coach IOTA IDP 240 Distributation Panel
P-043, 2007 Phaeton Main and Sub 240 VAC Distribution Panel
Is My Kwikee Step Motor Bad, v1
P-044, Is my Kwikee Step Motor bad or not? In this file are instructionS on how to clean your RV step's DC motor
Freightliner's (LBCU) Light Bar Control Unit
P-045, Instructions on how to select and save the three favotite rows on the Freightliner LBCU
Freightliner's (LBCU) Light Bar Control Unit, Software & hardware Version
P-046, Instruction on how to check the Freightliner LBCU's software & Hardware version
Lighting the RV step Treads
P-047, Installing LED lighting to illuminate the outside step treads when the door is opened
Xantrex (AGS) Automatic Generator Starting Feature
P-048, Information on how to re-wire the (AGS) feature to receive starting information from either AC/HP unit
Onan Diagnostic Fault Codes, Short Cut
P-049, Written short cut for the Onan Diagnostic Fault Codes
Ladder Mounting Tags
P-050, A quick method for ladder mounting your tags
New Layout for Driver Side Switch Console
P-051, My chosen layout for the new Tiffin driver side switch console
New 4/0 battery cable to the coach fuse panel
P-052, Replacing Tiffin's #4 battery cable with a larger 4/0 battery cable using a 4/0 welding cable
Norcold's Recall #10E-049
P-053, Norcold 12 cu. ft. refrigerator recall. ALL units built between December 1996 and October 6, 2010
Wiring an Engine Braking MODE Switch
P-054, Instructions with wiring schematics for installing an Engine Braking MODE Switch
Heat Pump to LP Gas Furnace, DIFF meaning
P-055, Explanation of how the DIFF system works on the Heat Pump and LP furnace
Panasonic TV Blink Codes
P-056, Power supply problem Blink codes on the Panasonic TC - series TVs
2007 40QSH Phaeton Battery Wiring
P-057, Electrical schematic of the battery wiring on a 2007 40QSH Phaeton
2007 Freightliner RV Chassis Maintenance Schedule
P-058, 2007 Freightliner RV Chassis Maintenance Schedule, 6 month, 12 month, 24 month, 36 month and 48 month service
2007 Phaeton to Lincoln MKX Tow to Towed Wiring
P-059, Tow to Towed wiring of the seven pin tow harness
Plan Ahead or Bust the Electric Budget
P-060, Plan ahead of bust the coach electrical consumption budget
Freightliner Chassis Power Steering drain and refill procedure
P-061, A method to easily drain and refill the coach power steering system
Caging the Parking Brake Springs on a Freightliner chassis
P-062, A safe procedure to cage the parking brake springs on a Freightliner RV chassis
Re-calibrating the SeeLevel LP Tank display
P-063, My method to re-calibrate the LP tank gauge to display the actual fill status of the tank (80% WC = 100% on the SeeLevel display
Replacing the Freightliner Electric Horn
P-064, Installing two loud Automotive style horns on the Freightliner chassis
Replacing the bedroom TV
P-065, Replacing the bedroom TV in the 2007 Phaeton
Replacing the engine air filter
P-066, Engine air filter replacement on a 2007 Phaeton
Replacing the Shurflo Water pump & Latching Controller
P-067, Replacing the OEM water pump with a high output pump requires the replacement of the 10 amp latching controller
Replacing the water pump ON indicator
P-068, Tiffin's OEM water pump ON light may be an incandescent bulb or it may be a LED
Revising the Phaeton's driver side console
P-069, Replacing the OEM driver side switch console gave me the oppurtunity to move the console rearward several inches, which allows easier viewing of the transmission gear selector
Road Speed versus Engine Speed Lesson Plan
P-070, An excel Spreadsheet with tire size option and how it effects the road speed and engine RPMs
6 Tire rotation chart using directional tires
P-071, 6 Tire Rotation chart using directional tires
8 Tire rotation chart using directional tires
P-072, 8 Tire Rotation chart using directional tires
Three Way Switching for the Living Room Lights
P-073, Method and material to install three way switch lighting for the living room
Safe "T" Alert Detector and Alarm
P-074, The LP and CO Detector
Silverleaf Electronics data Plug wiring
P-075, Silverleaf Electronics data plug wiring for J1708 and J1939 engine protocals
Spartan Wiring Bypass Circuit for Supplemental Brake Wiring, 1
P-076, Spartan chassis bypass circuit wiring for the supplemental braking circuit
Spartan Wiring Bypass Circuit for Supplemental Brake Wiring, 2
P-077, Spartan chassis bypass circuit wiring for the supplemental braking circuit
Tiffin Step Well Festoon Lighting
P-078, Modification to replace the festoon bulbs in the step well fixtures
Ted's Tool Box Tip # 1
P-079, Instructions on how to bypass the coach air dryer in an emergency
Pratt & Lambert Interior Oil Wood Stain
P-080, Information on Tiffin's Interior Oil Wood Stains
Tiffin's method of obtaining the 12 VDC for starting the Generator
P-081, The 2007 Phaeton was wired to the HOUSE battery system for starting the Generator
Tiffin's 2007 Warranty, pages 9, 10 and 11
P-082, Part of the Tiffin Coach Warranty, pages 9, 10 and 11
Tiffin's Screen Door Glass Slider
P-083, Instructions on how to replace the screen door glass slider and advice on how to prevent damaging a replacement slider
Tow Lighting installed on a 2009 Lincoln MKX
P-084, Tow Lighting sockets installed inside rear tail-light fixtures
Tiffin RV Water Pump Problem
P-085, Troubleshooting a RV Water Pump Problem
Uploading Pictures and Files to TRVN, revision 1
P-086, Procedure to Upload pictures and files to the TRVN forum, revision 1 updating changes to photo size and file size
Wet Bay Door Hinge Modification
P-087, Procedure to prevent the driver side wet bay door on a 2007 Phaeton from slipping out of its top "C" hinge
Wet Bay Door Hinge, Revision 1
P-088, Procedure to prevent the driver side wet bay door on a 2007 Phaeton from slipping out of its top "C" hinge, revision 1
Wet Bay Door Hinge, Revision 2
P-089, Procedure to prevent the driver side wet bay door on a 2007 Phaeton from slipping out of its top "C" hinge, revision 2
What is a PTCR Device
P-090, PTCR, is a Precision Temperature Coefficent Resistor
When Speaking of AC-HP's
P-091, When speaking of AC/HP's is Close good enough when buying replacement Capacitors
White-Rogers Solenoid Problems
P-092, A procedure to clean and repair the (White-Rogers) Charging Solenoid
Why Clean Your RV Tires and Wheels
P-093, Several good reasons to Clean the Coach Tires and Wheels.
Wiring Modification for Xantrex RC/GS Thermostat Enable Wiring
P-094, Supplemental information on the wiring modification to enable the AGS from more than one AC/HP unit
P-095, Programming information for a "FULL AUTO START/START" Xantrex RV series Inverter
P-103, Programming information for a "MANUAL START/START" Xantrex RV series Inverter
Xantrex RV Series, RC/GS and RC7 User's Menu Summary
P-097, RC/GS and RC7 User's Menu Summary
Xantrex RV Series User Menu with Photos of Menu Screens
P-098, Xantrex RV Series User Menu with Photos of Menu Screens
Xantrex RV Series, Complete User's Menu
P-099, Xantrex RV Series, Complete User's Menu